Begin your PayMongo journey

Have your business accept customer payments in more ways with PayMongo. Sign up now to accept various online payment methods.
Want to learn more to get started?
What is PayMongo?

What is PayMongo?

We are a payment gateway that makes it easy for your business to accept payments through credit cards, e-wallets, and over-the-counter transactions.

Submitting documents for activation

Get started on your activation process. Check out this handy list of documents you need to submit to our Onboarding team.

Activating your account

In this video, we'll explain more about our quick activation process for verifying the validity of your business.

Managing your payments

Efficiently manage your payments. Here’s a step-by-step guide on issuing refunds and exporting payments with a few clicks on your PayMongo Dashboard.

Receiving payments

In this lesson, you’ll find out the difference between payments and payouts. You’ll also learn how and when you can receive your payments.

Our Pricing
Your growth is our growth. Pay only for successful transactions from your customers. Whether you’re an online seller or a big box store, you can use our platform. No need for setup, one-time or monthly fees!
Developer Documentation
Browse our latest documentation for API resources, no-code guides, and additional developer tools.
Developer Documentation
Browse our latest documentation for API resources, no-code guides, and additional developer tools.